Zip Code:
02121 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Dorchester and the county of Suffolk County. Its population is roughly 30,159.
The 2121 zip code of Dorchester, MA has a median home value of $263,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $269,000. The percentage of homes in this zip code that are valued at over $500,000 has also decreased from 21% to 18%.
The main reason for this decrease in home values may be due to the recent market crash. Many people who were hoping to sell their homes have been unable to do so because there are not many buyers available. Additionally, many people who were thinking about buying a home may have decided against it because they think prices will continue to decline.
Despite these decreases in home values, the 2121 zip code still has one of the highest percentages of homes that are valued at over $500,000 in Massachusetts.
Price Index: Boston, MA (MSAD)
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
02124 | 56,649 | 7,301.7 | America/New_York | 42.28572 | -71.07105 | Dorchester Center | Suffolk County | Massachusetts |
02121 | 30,159 | 6,671.8 | America/New_York | 42.30589 | -71.08583 | Dorchester | Suffolk County | Massachusetts |
02126 | 29,620 | 5,499.5 | America/New_York | 42.27430 | -71.09388 | Mattapan | Suffolk County | Massachusetts |
02122 | 24,485 | 4,645.6 | America/New_York | 42.30007 | -71.03352 | Dorchester | Suffolk County | Massachusetts |