Zip Code:

06280, Windham, CT

06280 is a Connecticut Zip code within the city of Windham and the county of Windham County. Its population is roughly 3,055.

The Real Estate Market in the 6280 Zip Code of Windham, CT.

The 6280 zip code of Windham, CT has a median home value of $236,000 and a median home equity value of $141,000. This is a relatively high home value for the zip code, and indicates that there are a lot of homeowners in the area who are doing well financially. In addition, the average home price growth in this zip code over the past five years has been 5.5%, which is above the national average growth rate of 3.8%. This suggests that there is strong demand for homes in this area and that buyers are getting more bang for their buck when they invest in property here.

One reason why homeownership rates are high in this zip code is likely because there are not many available rental units available. The vacancy rate in Windham is only 1%, which is much lower than the national vacancy rate of 3%. This means that it is very difficult to find an affordable rental unit if you do not already have one reserved. In addition, Windham residents tend to be very committed to their homes – even those who may not be able to afford to buy them outright – and so they are likely willing to put up with some inconveniences (like low vacancy rates) in order to keep their property values high.

Overall, it seems like homeownership rates and home prices in the 6280 zip code of Windham are both on track to continue growing at a healthy pace over the next few years. This makes sense given the strong demand for properties here and the limited supply of available units. If you're looking for a place to buy or invest in property near Hartford, then you should definitely consider checking out this area!

Price Index: Worcester, MA-CT

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