Zip Code:

07481, Wyckoff, NJ

07481 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Wyckoff and the county of Bergen County. Its population is roughly 17,017.

The Real Estate Market in the Wyckoff, NJ 7481 Zip Code

The Wyckoff, NJ home equity and home prices are very high. The median home value in the 7481 zip code is $1,639,000. This is a far cry from the median home value of $157,500 that was reported in 2000. In fact, the median home value has increased by over 200% since 2000!

One reason for this high home equity and home prices in Wyckoff is that there are a lot of affluent residents in this zip code. The percentage of households earning over $200,000 annually is 34%. This high level of affluence has led to an increase in the demand for homes in Wyckoff. Additionally, there is a large number of luxury homes available for sale in Wyckoff. There are currently 97 homes listed for sale in the 7481 zip code that have an asking price above $1 million.

Despite these positive factors, there are some risks associated with buying a home in Wyckoff. One risk is that interest rates could rise at any time and make it more difficult to repay your mortgage loan. Another risk is that the market could crash and cause your house to become worth less than what you paid for it. If you are considering buying a home in Wyckoff be sure to consult with a real estate agent who can help you assess all of your options and protect yourself from potential risks

Price Index: New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD)

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