Zip Code:

08034, Cherry Hill, NJ

08034 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Cherry Hill and the county of Camden County. Its population is roughly 17,967.

The Real Estate Market in the 8034 Zip Code of Cherry Hill, NJ

The 8034 zip code of Cherry Hill, NJ has a median home value of $257,500 and a median home equity value of $141,000. These values are higher than the statewide median home value of $174,100 and the national median home equity value of $177,200. The Cherry Hill zip code is also above the statewide median home value and national median home equity values for both single-family homes and condos.

The Cherry Hill zip code has a high concentration of affluent households. The average household income in the 8034 zip code is $183,600, which is higher than the statewide average household income of $76,400 and the national average household income of $75,800. The percentage of households in the 8034 zip code that have incomes over $200,000 is also high compared to both statewide and national averages.

The high concentration of affluent households in the Cherry Hill zip code has led to an increase in home prices relative to other areas in New Jersey and nationwide. The average price per square foot for single-family homes in the 8034 zip code is currently more than twice as high as the statewide average price per square foot ($49 vs. $19). The average price per square foot for condos in the 8034 zipcode is also more than twice as high as the statewide average condo price ($128 vs. $50).

Price Index: Camden, NJ (MSAD)

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