Zip Code:

08232, Pleasantville, NJ

08232 is a New Jersey Zip code within the city of Pleasantville and the county of Atlantic County. Its population is roughly 19,426.

The Real Estate Market in the 8232 Zip Code of Pleasantville, NJ

Pleasantville, NJ is located in Morris County and has a population of approximately 36,000. The median household income in the 8232 zip code is $101,500 and the median home value is $429,000. The average mortgage rate in the 8232 zip code is 3.14%.

The average home equity loan amount in the 8232 zip code is $236,500. The average home equity loan term is 5 years. There are currently 1,827 homes for sale in the 8232 zip code and the median list price is $269,900. The percentage of homes that are currently under contract ( pending offer ) in the 8232 zip code is 2%.

The current market conditions for residential real estate in Pleasantville appear to be positive. Over the past twelve months there have been 706 new listings added to the Pleasantville MLS system and 548 of those listings have been sold . Additionally , during this same time period there have been 474 properties sold through an outside agent . This indicates that there are currently plenty of buyers available and that sellers are getting a good return on their investment when selling their property through an outside agent .

Despite these positive market conditions , it should be noted that prices can change quickly depending on local market conditions so it's always important to consult with a real estate professional if you're considering purchasing or selling a property in Pleasantville .

Price Index: Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ

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