Zip Code:

12095, Johnstown, NY

12095 is a New York Zip code within the city of Johnstown and the county of Fulton County. Its population is roughly 12,046.

The Real Estate Market in the 12095 Zip Code of Johnstown, New York

The 12095 zip code of Johnstown, NY has a population of approximately 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000 and the median home value is $165,000. Over the past five years, the average annual rate of increase for home prices in this zip code has been 9.4%. This means that over the past five years, the average home price in this zip code has increased by $11,400.

One reason that home prices have increased so much in the 12095 zip code over the past five years is because there are a lot of homes for sale in this area. There are currently 97 homes for sale in this zip code and there have been an average of 95 homes for sale each month over the past year. This means that there are a lot of potential buyers out there looking to purchase a home in this area.

Another reason why home prices have increased so much in the 12095 zip code over the past five years is because interest rates have been low. The interest rate on mortgages has been below 4% for most of those 5 years and it hasn’t gone above 4% since December 2016. This means that people who want to buy a home can get a good mortgage at a low interest rate which helps to increase home values.

Overall, it seems as though there are many reasons why home prices have increased so much in the 12095 zip code over the past five years. It seems as though there are plenty of potential buyers out there looking to purchase homes and low interest rates have helped to increase values even more

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