Zip Code:

12471, Rifton, NY

12471 is a New York Zip code within the city of Rifton and the county of Ulster County. Its population is roughly 281.

The Real Estate Market in the 12471 Zip Code of Rifton, New York

Rifton, NY is located in the 12471 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Rifton has a population of 1,811. The median household income in Rifton is $101,000. The median home value in Rifton is $191,500.

The average home equity and home prices in Rifton are both high compared to other zip codes in New York State. Home equity and home prices in Rifton have increased significantly over the past several years. In 2008, the average home equity and home price was $148,000. By 2012, this had increased to $191,500. This trend appears to be continuing as of 2016; as of that year the average home equity and home price was $236,700.

One reason for this increase may be that there is a high demand for housing in Rifton due to its location close to many amenities such as shopping malls and restaurants. Additionally, many people who live in Rifton own their homes outright which may make them more willing to spend on renovations or upgrades than people who live in other parts of New York State where more of their income goes towards rent or mortgage payments.

Price Index: Kingston, NY

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