Zip Code:

13026, Aurora, NY

13026 is a New York Zip code within the city of Aurora and the county of Cayuga County. Its population is roughly 1,677.

The Real Estate Market in the 13026 Zip Code of Aurora, NY

Aurora, NY is located in the Western New York region of the United States. The 13026 zip code covers a total area of 2.5 square miles and has a population of approximately 134,000 people. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years, reaching an average price of $269,000 as of September 2017. This increase in home prices has been driven by a number of factors, including strong demand from buyers and limited supply due to zoning restrictions.

The 13026 zip code is composed primarily of single-family homes and small apartment complexes. There are a limited number of larger homes available for purchase, which has contributed to the high home prices in this area. Additionally, many homeowners in this zip code have taken advantage of low interest rates to refinance their mortgages and increase their home equity values. As a result, many residents in this area are able to borrow against their home equity to finance other expenses or investments.

Despite the high home prices in the 13026 zip code, there is still considerable opportunity for buyers who are willing to invest time and money into searching for a suitable property. The availability of affordable housing units within close proximity to downtown Aurora makes it possible for most residents to find an appropriate property that meets their needs at an affordable price point.

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