Zip Code:

13165, Waterloo, NY

13165 is a New York Zip code within the city of Waterloo and the county of Seneca County. Its population is roughly 10,376.

The Real Estate Market in the 13165 Zip Code of Waterloo, NY

Waterloo, NY is located in the 13165 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $158,000. Home equity in this zip code has increased by an average of 9% over the past five years. In 2013, the median home value was $152,000 and the median home equity was $128,000. In 2014, the median home value was $157,500 and the median home equity was $131,500. In 2015, the median home value was $160,000 and the median home equity was $134,000. The increase in home values can be attributed to a combination of factors including population growth (the population of Waterloo has grown by 5% since 2013), low interest rates (which have made mortgages more affordable), and limited supply of homes for sale in this zip code.

While homeownership rates in Waterloo are high (79%), there is still room for improvement as more than 20% of households are renters. This suggests that there is a lot of potential for growth in this area if developers can find ways to create more housing options that are accessible to both homeowners and renters. Additionally, while wages have been increasing slowly over the past few years (by 2%), they are still lower than prices paid for homes in most parts of the country. This means that even with strong market conditions and rising incomes/home values, many people who want to buy a house will likely struggle to do so without taking on significant debt or using their savings as collateral.

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