Zip Code:

15026, Clinton, PA

15026 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Clinton and the county of Beaver County. Its population is roughly 3,406.

Clinton Real Estate: The Best and Worst of It

Clinton, PA is located in the 15026 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000. Clinton has a population of about 9,000 people. There are about 1,700 homes in Clinton and the average home value is $128,000.

The homeownership rate in Clinton is about 68%. This means that 68% of the households in Clinton own their homes. The percentage of owner-occupied homes is higher than the national average of 63%. This high homeownership rate may be due to Clinton's affordable housing prices and its strong economy.

Home values have increased significantly over the past few years in Clinton. The median home value was $127,500 in 2007 but it has increased to $128,000 by 2016. This increase may be due to several factors including an improving economy and low interest rates. Additionally, Clinton has a low unemployment rate which may attract businesses and families who want to live in a safe community with good schools.

Despite these positive trends, there are some challenges facing home values in Clinton. One challenge is that there are not enough new homes being built in Clinton which could lead to a shortage of available housing stock and higher prices for existing homes. Another challenge is that many people who want to buy a home cannot afford to do so because of high mortgage rates and limited credit availability . These challenges could lead to slower growth or even a decrease in home values if they persist over time

Price Index: Pittsburgh, PA

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