Zip Code:

16929, Lawrenceville, PA

16929 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Lawrenceville and the county of Tioga. Its population is roughly 2,529.

The Real Estate Market in the 16929 Zip Code of Lawrenceville, PA.

The 16929 zip code of Lawrenceville, PA has a median home value of $159,900 and a median home equity value of $128,500. The 16929 zip code is located in Allegheny County and has a population of approximately 16,000.

There are a number of factors that can affect the home equity and home prices in any given zip code. These include local market conditions, the availability of homes for sale, interest rates, and tax laws.

In the 16929 zip code, there are currently 553 homes for sale. This is below the national average of 602 homes for sale per month but above the regional average of 498 homes for sale per month. The 16929 zip code also has an inventory level that is below the national average but above the regional average. This suggests that there may be more demand than supply for homes in this area.

Interest rates have been relatively stable over the past year or so at around 3%. However, they can fluctuate significantly from day to day and from month to month. Therefore it is important to consult with a mortgage lender if you are interested in purchasing a home in this area.

The Lawrenceville School District serves students from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade in Lawrenceville Township (part) and parts of North Strabane Township (part). There are approximately 1,700 students enrolled in school district schools as well as approximately 350 students who attend charter schools within the district boundaries.

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