Zip Code:

17009, Burnham, PA

17009 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Burnham and the county of Mifflin County. Its population is roughly 1,958.

Real Estate in the 17009 Zip Code of Burnham, PA

Burnham, PA is located in the 17009 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Burnham was 8,898. The median household income was $86,912 and the median family income was $102,715. In 2009, home prices in Burnham were $128,000 on average.

In terms of home equity and home prices in Burnham, PA there are a few things to consider. First of all, as mentioned earlier, the median household income in Burnham is $86,912 which means that most people in this area have some equity in their homes. Additionally, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index for ZIP Codes within 100 miles of Philadelphia (ZIP Code 17009), Burnham ranks #2 out of 9 ZIP Codes within 100 miles of Philadelphia with an index score of 103.4 (meaning that homes in this area are worth an average of 103% more than what it would cost to buy them). This indicates that there is a lot of demand for homes in this area and that home prices are likely to continue to rise over time.

Overall then, it seems safe to say that homeownership rates are high and home values are rising moderately in the 17009 zip code of Burnham. This makes it an ideal place to live if you can afford it – especially given current market conditions – and gives residents plenty of opportunity for future growth if they choose to invest their money here

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