Zip Code:

17058, Mifflin, PA

17058 is a Pennsylvania Zip code within the city of Mifflin and the county of Juniata. Its population is roughly 1,832.

The Real Estate Market in the 17058 Zip Code of Mifflin, PA.

The 17058 zip code of Mifflin, PA has a median home value of $123,000 and a median home equity value of $141,000. This is significantly higher than the national median home value of $76,500 and the national median home equity value of $142,700. The high home values in this zip code are likely due to the affluent population and strong economy in Mifflin.

Despite the high home values, there is still significant opportunity for homeowners in the 17058 zip code. The average homeowner in this zip code has a mortgage debt of $131,000 which is below the national average mortgage debt of $161,200. Additionally, there are a number of affordable homes available in this area that would be perfect for first-time homeowners or those looking to downsize.

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