Zip Code:

22042, Falls Church, VA

22042 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Falls Church and the county of Fairfax County. Its population is roughly 35,174.

The Real Estate Market in the 22042 Zip Code of Falls Church, VA

The 22042 zip code of Falls Church, VA has a median home value of $269,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $291,000. The decrease in home values can be attributed to the current market conditions and many people are selling their homes because they believe that prices will continue to decline.

There are a total of 2,068 homes in the 22042 zip code. Of these homes, 1,814 are occupied and 806 are vacant. The occupancy rate for this zip code is 68%. This means that there are more homes being used than there are being vacant.

The average list price for a home in the 22042 zip code is $269,000. This is an increase from last year when the average list price was $248,500. The increase in list prices can be attributed to many factors including population growth and increased demand from buyers who believe that prices will continue to rise.

There has been an increase in home equity within this zip code since 2013 when the median home equity was $158,500. Home equity is important because it allows homeowners to borrow money against their property without having to sell it or use it as collateral for a loan.

Home values within this zip code have decreased by 3% over the past year but they have increased by 5% over the past five years which indicates that there is still strong demand for properties within this area despite current market conditions

Price Index: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD)

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