Zip Code:

23909, Farmville, VA

23909 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Farmville and the county of Prince Edward. Its population is roughly 447.

The Real Estate Market in Farmville, VA 23909

Home Equity in the 23909 Zip Code of Farmville, VA

According to the 2016 American Community Survey, the median home value in the 23909 zip code of Farmville, VA is $148,500. This means that approximately one-third (33%) of all homes in this zip code are worth more than $100,000. Additionally, nearly two-thirds (64%) of all homes in this zip code are worth more than $200,000. These high home values reflect Farmville's status as a desirable location to live and work.

Home Prices in the 23909 Zip Code of Farmville, VA

The average price per square foot for homes in the 23909 zip code is $123. This means that homes here are relatively affordable when compared to other areas of Virginia and the United States as a whole. In fact, according to Zillow's recent report on national home prices trends, the average price per square foot for all U.S. counties was $130 as of September 2017.

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