Zip Code:

27320, Reidsville, NC

27320 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Reidsville and the county of Rockingham County. Its population is roughly 38,997.

The Real Estate Market in the 27320 Zip Code of Reidsville, NC.

The 27320 zip code of Reidsville, NC is located in the southeastern corner of North Carolina and has a population of about 26,000. The median household income in this zip code is $50,000 and the median home value is $149,900.

There has been a steady increase in home equity values over the past few years in this zip code. In 2013, the median home equity value was $127,200 and by 2016 it had increased to $148,600. This trend appears to be continuing as the latest data from Zillow shows that the median home equity value in this zip code is currently $153,100.

While there are some variations among individual homes within this zip code, on average they have seen an increase in their home equity values over time. This suggests that there is strong demand for housing stock within this area and that people are able to afford to buy homes at a reasonable price.

One reason why home values have increased so much over recent years may be due to low interest rates. Since homeownership is an important part of the American Dream, people may be more willing to invest money into their homes than other investments when interest rates are low. Additionally, since many people use their homes as their primary source of income (i.e., they are landlords), they may be more willing to sell when prices rise due to strong demand from buyers.

Price Index: Greensboro-High Point, NC

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