Zip Code:

27839, Halifax, NC

27839 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Halifax and the county of Halifax County. Its population is roughly 3,479.

The Real Estate Market in the 27839 Zip Code of Halifax, NC

The 27839 zip code of Halifax, North Carolina is home to a population of around 33,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is around $60,000, which is significantly lower than the national median household income of $59,445. However, despite the lower incomes, the 27839 zip code has a significantly higher home equity value than the national average. In fact, as of 2016, the median home equity value in this zip code was $172,500. This high home equity value indicates that many residents in this zip code are able to afford to buy and maintain their homes without having to rely on outside sources of financial support.

One reason why the home equity values in the 27839 zip code are so high is because there are a lot of affluent residents living in this area. Many wealthy individuals choose to live in this area because it has a low cost of living and excellent schools. Additionally, many businesses located in this area cater to affluent customers and thus generate a lot of revenue that can be used to support high home equity values.

Despite the high home equity values present in the 27839 zip code, there are still some areas where housing prices are relatively low compared to other areas within North Carolina or nationally. For example, housing prices within this zipcode range from $130K-$175K which is much lower than prices found elsewhere within North Carolina or nationally. Additionally, while housing prices have increased over time (by about 9% since 2013), they have not increased as quickly as inflation (which has been about 18% since 2013). This suggests that there may be room for further price growth within this area if buyers feel confident about future market conditions

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