Zip Code:

28504, Kinston, NC

28504 is a North Carolina Zip code within the city of Kinston and the county of Lenoir County. Its population is roughly 21,717.

The Real Estate Market in the 28504 Zip Code of Kinston, NC

Kinston, NC is located in the southeastern corner of North Carolina and has a population of around 36,000. The 28504 zip code covers most of Kinston and has a median home value of $130,000. Home equity is important to many people in Kinston because it can provide them with a cushion against unexpected financial challenges.

The graph below shows the trend in home values over the past ten years in the 28504 zip code. The blue line shows that home values have increased steadily since 2007, while the red line indicates that prices have decreased since 2009. This suggests that home equity is still an important source of wealth for many people in Kinston.

One reason why home equity is so valuable in Kinston is because there are relatively few homes for sale compared to other areas of the country. This means that there is more competition for available homes and higher prices for those that are available. In addition, many people in Kinston are homeowners who may be reluctant to sell their homes due to strong emotional attachments to them or because they believe that their home's value will continue to increase over time. As a result, there are relatively few sales transactions taking place in the 28504 zip code each year which contributes to high levels of home equity among residents.

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