Zip Code:

31324, Richmond Hill, GA

31324 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Richmond Hill and the county of Bryan County. Its population is roughly 26,684.

The Real Estate Market in the 31324 Zip Code of Richmond Hill, GA

The 31324 zip code of Richmond Hill, GA has a population of around 106,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $101,600, and the median home value is $269,900. This makes the 31324 zip code one of the more affluent areas in Richmond Hill.

As you can see from the charts below, home equity and home prices have been on an upward trend in the 31324 zip code over the past few years. In fact, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index data for ZIP codes within 25 miles of Richmond Hill (including 31324), home values have increased by an average of 7.5% between 2013 and 2017. This strong growth has led to a rise in homeownership rates in this area – as seen in the chart below – from 66% in 2013 to 71% as of 2017.

This strong demand for homes has driven up home prices considerably – especially compared to other areas within 25 miles of Richmond Hill. As you can see from the chart below, home values are almost twice as high here than they are across that same distance in Cobb County (which has a population of around 1 million people). And while there may be some saturation point reached with regards to available homes and potential buyers/investors, it seems likely that prices will continue to rise in this area over time.

Price Index: Savannah, GA

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