Zip Code:

41014, Covington, KY

41014 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Covington and the county of Kenton County. Its population is roughly 7,113.

The Real Estate Market in the 41014 Zip Code of Covington, Kentucky

When people think of home equity, they often think of the value of their home. But what about the value of the home equity in their neighborhood?

According to Zillow, the median home value in zip code 41014 is $128,900. This means that, on average, homes in this zip code are worth more than what people owe on them. This is especially true for homes that are newer and located in desirable neighborhoods.

However, not all neighborhoods are equally valuable. In fact, some areas within zip code 41014 have significantly higher home values than others. For example, homes located near the city center or within walking distance of a major shopping district tend to be much more expensive than those located further away from these amenities.

This variability in home values can have a big impact on people's ability to afford a house or apartment in a particular area. For example, someone who wants to buy a house in zip code 41014 may find that they need to save an additional 20-30% above their annual income just to make sure that they can afford the mortgage payments and other associated costs associated with buying a house there.

Price Index: Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN

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