Zip Code:

44057, Madison, OH

44057 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Madison and the county of Lake County. Its population is roughly 19,486.

The Real Estate Market in the 44057 Zip Code of Madison, Ohio

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 44057 Zip Code of Madison, OH

The 44057 zip code of Madison, OH has a median home value of $128,000. This is significantly higher than the national median home value of $76,500. The 44057 zip code also has a high home equity rate of 82%. This means that homeowners in this zip code have a significant amount of equity in their homes.

This high level of equity is likely due to the strong economy and low interest rates in the area. It is also likely that many homeowners in this zip code are able to afford to pay off their mortgages relatively quickly. In addition, there are a number of affluent neighborhoods located within the 44057 zip code. These neighborhoods likely attract buyers who want to invest in property rather than rent or own outright. As a result, home values within these neighborhoods are likely higher than average.

Despite these positive factors, there are some risks associated with having high levels of home equity. If the market for homes in the area crashes, homeowners could find themselves struggling to sell their homes at prices that reflect their true worth. Additionally, if interest rates rise significantly from current levels, borrowers who have high levels of home equity may find it difficult to repay their loans on time.

Price Index: Cleveland-Elyria, OH

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