Zip Code:

48060, Port Huron, MI

48060 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Port Huron and the county of St. Clair County. Its population is roughly 39,405.

The Real Estate Market in the 48060 Zip Code of Port Huron, Michigan

The 48060 zip code of Port Huron, MI has a population of around 107,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $64,000 and the median home value is $187,500. The 48060 zip code has a homeownership rate of 63% and a vacancy rate of 3%.

There are around 9,600 homes in the 48060 zip code and the average list price is $158,900. The average sale price for homes in this zip code was $183,500 in 2017. This means that the 48060 zip code has seen an increase of 5% in home values since 2017.

The 48060 zip code has seen an increase in home equity since 2007 when the home equity rate was 47%. In 2017, the home equity rate was 63%. This means that homeowners have been able to accumulate more equity over time in their homes than they did before 2007. This increase can be attributed to several factors including low interest rates and increased demand for housing due to rising incomes.

Price Index: Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, MI (MSAD)

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