Zip Code:

48910, Lansing, MI

48910 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Lansing and the county of Ingham County. Its population is roughly 35,183.

The Real Estate Market in the 48910 Zip Code of Lansing, MI

The Lansing zip code 48910 has a population of around 197,000 people and is located in the eastern part of the state. The median home value in this zip code is $106,500 which is significantly lower than the statewide median home value of $217,500. In addition, the percentage of homes that are owner-occupied in this zip code is lower than the statewide percentage of owner-occupied homes at around 62%. This suggests that there may be a significant amount of housing stock available for purchase within this zip code but that it may not be attainable for many people due to its low price point.

One potential explanation for why home values are relatively low in this zip code could be related to recent trends in the Michigan economy. Since 2007, the state has been experiencing a gradual decline in both GDP and employment rates which could have had an impact on demand for housing stock and consequently on home prices. Additionally, there has been a recent trend towards more urbanization within Michigan which could also have contributed to lower home values.

Despite these factors, it is still possible for someone who wants to purchase a home within this zip code to do so if they are willing to invest some time and money into finding the right property. There are definitely areas within this area that offer good value for your money and it would be worth doing some research before making an offer on one of these properties.

Price Index: Lansing-East Lansing, MI

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