Zip Code:

51360, Spirit Lake, IA

51360 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Spirit Lake and the county of Dickinson County. Its population is roughly 8,312.

The Real Estate Market in Spirit Lake, IA

Spirit Lake, IA is located in the 51360 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Spirit Lake has a population of 2,812. The median household income was $51,711 and the median family income was $56,906. The 51360 zip code has a home equity value of $151,000 and a home price of $183,500.

The home equity value is calculated by subtracting the mortgage balance from the home's market value. The market value is determined by averaging all residential sales within a ZIP code during a certain time period. Home prices are also affected by factors such as location (near major cities or suburbs), size (single-family homes or apartments), age (newer homes or older homes), and condition (renovated or not).

There are several factors that affect home prices in Spirit Lake:

1) Location - Spirit Lake is located in northwest Iowa near Des Moines and Omaha. This proximity to larger cities makes it more expensive to live in Spirit Lake than areas closer to the rural Midwest.

2) Size - There are more large single-family homes in Spirit Lake than there are apartments or condos. This may be due to its rural location and lack of access to urban amenities such as shopping centers and schools.

3) Age - Older homes tend to have higher values than newer homes because they typically have been built with better construction materials and features.

4) Condition - A renovated home will typically have a higher value than an unrenovated one because it is seen as being more stable and likely to continue appreciating over time.

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