Zip Code:

60543, Oswego, IL

60543 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Oswego and the county of Kendall County. Its population is roughly 40,293.

Real Estate in the 60543 Zip Code of Oswego, IL

Oswego, Illinois is located in the 60543 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Oswego has a population of 16,527. The median household income was $51,917 and the median family income was $60,898. Home prices in Oswego have increased significantly over the past several years. In 2007, the median home price was $128,000 and by 2013 it had increased to $236,000. This increase in home prices has led to an increase in home equity for residents of Oswego. As of September 2014, the total value of all homes in Oswego was $1.4 billion. This means that homeowners in Oswego have a total equity value of over $200 million.

One reason for this increase in home values is that Oswego is a growing community with many new homes being built. Additionally, Oswego has a low unemployment rate and a high level of education attainment which are both factors that contribute to higher home values. Another reason for the increase in home values is that interest rates have remained low since 2007 which makes it more affordable for people to buy homes than before.

While homeownership rates are high in Oswego, there are some concerns about rising housing costs and gentrification affecting lower-income residents who may not be able to afford to buy or rent homes at current prices. There are also concerns about whether this trend will continue as interest rates rise and more people become able to afford homes outside of Oswegoland

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