Zip Code:

63042, Hazelwood, MO

63042 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Hazelwood and the county of St. Louis County. Its population is roughly 19,067.

Hazelwood Real Estate: A Look at the Markets

The 63042 zip code of Hazelwood, Missouri is located in the metropolitan area of St. Louis. The median home value in this zip code is $137,000 and the median home equity is $103,000. The average household income in this zip code is $72,500.

There are a total of 2,898 homes in the 63042 zip code. Of these homes, 1,851 are occupied and 749 are vacant. The average occupancy rate for homes in this zip code is 97%. The average vacancy rate for homes in this zip code is 3%.

The percentage of households that own their home outright (without any mortgage) is 47% while the percentage of households that own their home with a mortgage is 52%. The percentage of households that rent their home is 25%.

Price Index: St. Louis, MO-IL

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