Zip Code:

65026, Eldon, MO

65026 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Eldon and the county of Miller. Its population is roughly 11,142.

Real Estate in the 65026 Zip Code of Eldon, MO

The 65026 zip code of Eldon, Missouri is located in the northwest corner of the state and includes a population of approximately 14,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $72,500, which is significantly higher than the Missouri median household income of $54,657. In addition, the home equity and home prices in this zip code are both significantly higher than the Missouri average home equity and home price.

As of September 2017, there were 2,827 homes for sale in the 65026 zip code and the average list price was $269,902. This represents an increase of 9% from September 2016 when there were 2,608 homes for sale and the average list price was $257,564. The median sales price for homes sold in September 2017 was $269,000 which is also 9% higher than the median sales price for homes sold in September 2016.

The 65026 zip code has a population density of 1 person per square mile which is lower than both the Missouri population density of 2 persons per square mile and the national population density of 3 persons per square mile. In addition, Eldon has a relatively low unemployment rate at 3%. This suggests that there are many opportunities available to residents in this area that are not currently being met by available jobs.

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