Zip Code:

70072, Marrero, LA

70072 is a Louisiana Zip code within the city of Marrero and the county of Jefferson Parish. Its population is roughly 55,877.

The Real Estate Market in the 70072 Zip Code of Marrero, Louisiana

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 70072 Zip Code of Marrero, LA

The 70072 zip code of Marrero, LA has a median home value of $138,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $147,000. The percentage of homes in the 70072 zip code with a mortgage is at 67%. This is an increase from the previous year when it was at 66%. The percentage of homes in the 70072 zip code that are owner-occupied is at 79%. This is an increase from the previous year when it was at 78%.

There are many factors that can affect home equity and home prices. Some examples include: interest rates, inflation rates, market conditions, and local government policies. In general, however, it appears that there are several factors affecting both home equity and home prices in Marrero: interest rates (which have been on the rise recently), inflation rates (which have been relatively stable over time), market conditions (which have been improving recently), and local government policies (such as zoning regulations).

Price Index: New Orleans-Metairie, LA

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