Zip Code:

76092, Southlake, TX

76092 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Southlake and the county of Tarrant County. Its population is roughly 31,424.

The Real Estate Market in the 76092 Zip Code of Southlake, TX

The 76092 zip code of Southlake, TX is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area and has a population of over 265,000. The median home value in the 76092 zip code is $225,000 and the median home equity is $101,500. The average home price growth in the 76092 zip code from January 2000 to January 2016 was 9.2%.

There are a number of factors that contribute to home prices in the 76092 zip code. One factor is that Southlake is a desirable location with plenty of amenities and access to both Dallas and Fort Worth. Additionally, there are a number of new homes being built in the 76092 zip code which contributes to increased demand for housing. Finally, there has been an increase in mortgage rates over the past few years which has made buying a home more expensive for some people.

Despite these factors, there have been some decreases in home values over the past few years due to market saturation and increased competition from other areas within Dallas-Fort Worth metro area. In addition, there have been some issues with foreclosures and short sales recently which has caused some people who were thinking about buying a home to reconsider their decision.

Price Index: Fort Worth-Arlington-Grapevine, TX (MSAD)

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