Zip Code:
76458 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Jacksboro and the county of Jack. Its population is roughly 6,111.
The 76458 zip code of Jacksboro, TX has a median home value of $135,000. The home equity in this zip code is $41,000. This means that the average homeowner in this zip code has over $68,000 in equity in their home.
The average sale price for homes in the 76458 zip code was $164,500 during the year 2016. This is an increase from the average sale price of $147,500 during the year 2015.
There are a total of 597 homes currently for sale in the 76458 zip code. There were 472 homes for sale during the year 2016 and 431 homes for sale during the year 2015.
The percentage of sales that were pending or withdrawn during the year 2016 was 2%. This compares to 3% during the year 2015. The percentage of sales that were closed within 30 days was 97% during the year 2016 and 95% during the year 2015.
Jacksboro is located within Williamson County and has a population of around 34,000 people according to census data from 2010. The median household income for Williamson County is around $92,700 which means that most homeowners in this zip code have above-average incomes relative to other areas within Williamson County.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
76486 | 1,125 | 4.2 | America/Chicago | 33.02291 | -98.06220 | Perrin | Jack | Texas |
76427 | 859 | 5.9 | America/Chicago | 33.15546 | -98.37755 | Bryson | Jack | Texas |
76459 | 270 | 4.6 | America/Chicago | 33.27406 | -98.38756 | Jermyn | Jack | Texas |