Zip Code:

76854, London, TX

76854 is a Texas Zip code within the city of London and the county of Kimble. Its population is roughly 220.

The Real Estate Market in the 76854 Zip Code of London, TX.

London, TX is located in Williamson County and has a population of over 25,000. The 76854 zip code has a median household income of $92,000 and a median home value of $225,000. London is experiencing strong growth in both home equity and home prices.

According to Zillow’s Home Value Index, the London zip code had the third-highest increase in home values from January 2017 to January 2018 among all U.S. zip codes with at least 500 homes sold during that time period. The average increase was 12%. This strong growth is likely due to the increasing demand for housing in London and surrounding areas, as well as low interest rates which are making it more affordable to buy a house or invest in real estate.

The average price per square foot for homes in the London zip code is also high compared to other areas of Texas. The average price per square foot is $130 which is higher than the statewide average of $106 per square foot. This high price per square foot may be attributable to the high demand for housing in London as well as its proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Dallas and Austin.

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