Zip Code:

77480, Sweeny, TX

77480 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Sweeny and the county of Brazoria County. Its population is roughly 8,055.

The Real Estate Market in the 77480 Zip Code of Sweeny, TX

The Sweeny, TX 77480 zip code has a population of around 9,000 people and is located in Brazoria County. The median household income in the 77480 zip code is $51,500 and the median home value is $137,500.

There has been a recent increase in home equity and home prices in the Sweeny, TX 77480 zip code. In 2016, the median home value increased by 8.5% compared to 2015. This trend seems to be continuing into 2017 as the median home value increased by 2.9% from January to March 2017.

One reason for this increase may be that there are relatively few homes for sale in the Sweeny, TX 77480 zip code compared to other areas of Brazoria County. Additionally, many homes that are for sale have already been sold or are under contract within a short period of time.

Another factor that may be contributing to this increase in home values is that interest rates have remained low throughout much of 2017. This has made it more affordable for people to borrow money to purchase a home than it was previously possible to do so.

Overall, it seems that there is an increasing trend ofhome equity andhome prices increasingin the Sweeny, TX 77480zipcodeoverthepastyearorsof2017andinto2018thusfar. Whilethereisnolong-termpatternofsteadilyincreasinghomevaluesinthisareaeveryyearortwoaswasthecaseinthepast(duetochangingmarketconditions),itdoesappearthatrecentyearshaveseenamorepronouncedincreaseinvaluesthanpreviousyearsdidandthatthisincreasemaycontinueforatleastanotheryearortwounlesssomethingcatchesupinthemarketthatpreventsitfromdoingso

Price Index: Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX

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