Zip Code:

78586, San Benito, TX

78586 is a Texas Zip code within the city of San Benito and the county of Cameron County. Its population is roughly 56,692.

The Real Estate Market in the 78586 Zip Code of San Benito, TX

The 78586 zip code of San Benito, TX has a median home value of $131,200 and a median home equity value of $101,500. The home values in this zip code are above the national average and have been increasing over the past five years. The increase in home values is likely due to the strong economy and low interest rates.

Home equity is important because it allows homeowners to borrow money against their homes to finance other expenses or investments. Home equity can also be used as a source of retirement income. Homeowners who have high levels of home equity are more likely to be able to withstand economic downturns than homeowners with lower levels of home equity.

Home prices in the 78586 zip code are likely to continue increasing over the next five years due to the strong economy and low interest rates. If you are interested in buying or selling a home in this zip code, it is important to consult with a real estate agent who can help you find the best deal on a property that meets your needs.

Price Index: Brownsville-Harlingen, TX

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