Zip Code:

81612, Aspen, CO

81612 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Aspen and the county of Pitkin County. Its population is roughly 0.

The Real Estate Market in the Aspen, CO 81612 Zip Code

The Aspen, Colorado 81612 zip code has a median home value of $1,247,000 and a median home equity of $288,000. This is higher than the national median home value of $181,200 and the national median home equity of $225,600. The 81612 zip code also has a high percentage of homeowners with a mortgage (68%) and a low percentage of homeowners with no mortgage (14%).

There are many factors that contribute to the high home values in the 81612 zip code. The area is affluent and has many luxury homes that are worth more than average. Additionally, there is strong demand for housing in this area due to its excellent schools and proximity to major cities like Denver and Boulder. Finally, there is limited supply of homes in this area which drives up prices.

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