Zip Code:

84725, Enterprise, UT

84725 is a Utah Zip code within the city of Enterprise and the county of Washington County. Its population is roughly 1,535.

The Real Estate Market in the 84725 Zip Code of Enterprise, UT

The Enterprise, UT 84725 zip code has a median home value of $174,900 and a median home equity value of $119,000. The Enterprise area is experiencing an increase in home values due to the current market conditions. In the last year, the average home value has increased by 4%. This trend is expected to continue as more people are moving into this area and investing in homes.

Home equity is important because it allows homeowners to use their homes as collateral for loans or for other investments. Homeowners who have high levels of equity are less likely to experience financial problems if they lose their jobs or if they need to sell their homes in order to move. Home prices also affect how much people can afford to pay for a house or apartment. If the price of a house goes up too high, people may not be able to afford it even if they have good credit ratings and enough money saved up.

Price Index: St. George, UT

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