
Vernon, AL

Vernon is a city in the state of alabama with a population of roughly 4,839. It is in Lamar, Alabama Its Zip codes include 35592 .

The Rise and Fall of Vernon's Home Prices

Vernon is a small town located in Baldwin County, Alabama. The population was 2,821 at the 2010 census. Vernon is known for its agricultural and forestry industries, as well as its real estate market.

The real estate market in Vernon has seen steady growth over the past few years. In 2007, the median home price was $86,000. By 2011, this figure had increased to $106,000. This trend appears to be continuing into 2012; according to recent reports from Zillow®, the median home price in Vernon currently stands at $119,000.

One of the primary reasons for this sustained growth in the Vernon real estate market is undoubtedly its proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Birmingham and Tuscaloosa. Additionally, Vernon's rural setting and abundance of natural resources (such as lakes and forests) make it a desirable location for families looking for a quiet lifestyle away from big city noise and congestion.

Despite these positive factors, there are still some potential risks associated with buying or selling a home in Vernon. For example, while Baldwin County is generally considered to be one of Alabama's more stable counties economically speaking (thanks largely to its agricultural industry), there is always the potential for unforeseen events (such as a recession) to have an impact on housing prices nonetheless. Additionally, given that Vernon is relatively new compared to other parts of Alabama (it was incorporated as a town in 1984), there may not be enough established homeownership rates yet for buyers and sellers alike to feel completely confident about making an investment in property here.

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