
Russellville, AR

Russellville is a city in the state of arkansas with a population of roughly 41,489. It is in Pope County, Arkansas the Russellville, AR core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 72802 ,72801 .

The Price of Home in Russellville, Arkansas

Real estate in Russellville, Arkansas is a hot commodity. The city has seen an influx of people and businesses in recent years, which has led to an increase in the demand for housing and commercial space. There are a number of factors that have contributed to this trend, including the city's proximity to major metropolitan areas (such as Little Rock and Memphis), its strong economy, and its growing population.

According to the 2016 American Community Survey, Russellville had a population of 34,811. This represents an increase of 5% over the 2015 population estimate of 33,591. The city's growth has been particularly pronounced since 2010, when the population increased by 10%. This rapid growth has led to significant challenges for the city's infrastructure – including shortages of housing and commercial space – as well as for its public services (including schools and hospitals).

Despite these challenges, real estate in Russellville remains very popular. In fact, according to Zillow data from January 2018*, median home prices in the city were $128 per square foot (which is above the national average), and there was an inventory shortage of just 2 months' worth of homes at that time. Additionally, Zillow data from January 2018 shows that rental rates in Russellville are also high – averaging $2 per square foot**. These high prices reflect not only the demand for housing but also the city's strong economy: according to Forbes magazine*, Russellville ranks No. 4 on its list of "The Best Small Cities For Jobs."

Despite these positive trends, there are some potential risks associated with investing in real estate in Russellville. For example, if economic conditions change adversely – such as if there is a recession or a sharp increase in interest rates – then prices could fall significantly. Additionally, although there is ample residential space available in Russellville right now (especially compared with other cities), future growth may not be able to keep up with demand; this could lead to shortages or price inflationary pressures within the market. Finally, although crime rates have decreased overall since 2010*, they remain higher than average levels across much of Arkansas***; this could make it difficult for prospective buyers or renters to feel safe living or working in Russellville.

Zip codes in Russellville


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