
Markleeville, CA

Markleeville is a city in the state of california with a population of roughly 926. It is in Alpine, California Its Zip codes include 96120 .

Price Trends in Markleeville, CA

Real estate in Markleeville, CA is a hot commodity. The area has a population of just over 2,000 people and is located just outside of Fresno. The median home price in the area is $269,000 and there are currently 101 homes for sale.

The community is situated on a hilltop with expansive views of the San Joaquin Valley. There are plenty of amenities available to residents, including a library, parks, and a recreation center. The schools in the area are excellent and include both public and private schools.

The climate in Markleeville is mild with average temperatures ranging from 50 degrees Fahrenheit in winter to around 85 degrees Fahrenheit during summer months. The community is close to major highways making it easy to get around.

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