
Sonora, CA

Sonora is a city in the state of california with a population of roughly 28,096. It is in Tuolumne County, California the Sonora, CA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 95370 .

Price Trends in Sonora, CA

Real estate in Sonora, CA is a hot commodity. The area has a growing population and many people are looking for new homes to purchase. There are many different types of real estate available in Sonora, including single family homes, townhomes, condos, and apartments.

The most popular type of real estate in Sonora is single family homes. These homes can be found in a variety of neighborhoods, from rural areas to suburban neighborhoods. Many people choose to live in single family homes because they offer a sense of privacy and independence.

Another popular type of real estate in Sonora is townhomes. Townhomes are typically smaller than traditional single family homes and they offer more space for living and entertaining. They are perfect for families who want to live close to the city but have some space to themselves.

condo units are also popular in Sonora. Condos offer residents the convenience of living close to the city without having to deal with high rental prices or longterm commitments. They also come with plenty of amenities, such as pools and fitness centers, which can make them ideal for busy families

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