
Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs is a city in the state of colorado with a population of roughly 364,445. It is in El Paso County, Colorado the Colorado Springs, CO core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 80917 ,80920 .

The Rise and Fall of the Colorado Springs Home Price Market

Colorado Springs is a city located in El Paso County, Colorado, United States. The population was 197,095 at the 2010 census. It is the most populous city in Colorado Springs and the county seat of El Paso County. The city is home to Colorado College and several other colleges and universities.

The area that became Colorado Springs was originally inhabited by Native Americans for thousands of years. In 1859, John Wesley Powell explored the area and named it after Kit Carson, who was then serving as a captain in the U.S. Army Corps of Topographical Engineers. Carson had been involved in several explorations of the Rocky Mountains leading up to this point. In 1871, gold was discovered along the South Platte River near present-day Fountain Creek; this led to a rapid influx of people into the area, which made it difficult for residents to get enough water for their crops. A well known anecdote about this time period concerns two farmers who went to court over who should have access to a well on land that they both claimed as theirs; their dispute became known as "The Battle of Pikes Peak".

In 1881, El Paso County was created from parts of Douglas and Lincoln counties; Colorado Springs became its county seat. The town began to grow rapidly thanks in part to its location close to railroad lines connecting it with other parts of the country. By 1890, there were already 1,000 people living in Colorado Springs; by 1900, that number had grown to 10,000 people. The city's first hospital opened in 1892; within five years there were already 20 hospitals operating in Colorado Springs alone! By 1920, there were an estimated 50,000 people living in Colorado Springs; by 1930 that number had grown to 100,000 people!

During World War II (1939-1945), much development took place in order to support military operations taking place nearby; among other things this included construction of numerous airfields and training facilities throughout El Paso County. After World War II ended however many veterans returned home leaving behind large numbers of civilian workers who needed housing; this led directly into what is now known as "The Baby Boom" era (1946-1964). Between 1950 and 1970 alone there were an estimated 500 thousand new residents born within El Paso County – making up almost 25% of all births during that time period! This tremendous growth has continued into modern times – with estimates suggesting that there are now over 300 thousand residents living within the city limits!

Real estate prices vary greatly depending on location within Colorado Springs – although generally speaking properties located closer to downtown or near major universities or businesses tend be more expensive than those located further away from those areas. However even within these general price ranges there can be significant variation depending on specific factors such as size (single family homes tend be more expensive than apartments), age (properties built prior to 1940 are typically more expensive than newer ones), condition (a poorly maintained property will typically cost more than one which is well maintained) or neighborhood (properties located near parks or recreational areas will typically cost less than those located downtown).

Price Index: Colorado Springs, CO

Zip codes in Colorado Springs


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