
Mosca, CO

Mosca is a city in the state of colorado with a population of roughly 791. It is in Alamosa, Colorado Its Zip codes include 81146 .

Price Trends in Mosca, Colorado

Mosca is a small town located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The town was founded in 1892 and has a population of just over 1,000 people. Mosca is known for its beautiful scenery and its close proximity to some of Colorado's most popular ski resorts.

Real estate in Mosca is typically priced lower than other areas of Colorado, making it an ideal place to buy a home if you are looking for an affordable lifestyle. The town is also well-connected by road and rail, making it easy to get around. There are a number of schools available in Mosca, as well as plenty of shopping and dining options.

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