
Amboy, IL

Amboy is a city in the state of illinois with a population of roughly 3,825. It is in Lee County, Illinois the Dixon, IL core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Dixon-Sterling, IL combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 61310 .

Price Trends in Amboy, IL

Real estate in Amboy, Illinois is a hot commodity. The city has seen an influx of people in recent years, and with that comes a need for more housing. In addition, the city is located in one of the most fertile agricultural regions in the United States. This combination has led to an increase in home prices and a shortage of available properties.

The median home price in Amboy was $128,000 as of September 2017. This is significantly higher than the statewide median home price of $101,500 and much higher than the national median home price of $217,500. In addition, there are only 116 homes available for sale as of September 2017 which indicates that demand for real estate is high.

One reason for this high demand may be the city's excellent schools. Amboy is ranked number one out of 150 cities studied by Forbes magazine when it comes to education quality. This means that many people are looking to move to a city with good schools and are willing to pay a premium for them.

Another factor contributing to the high demand for real estate in Amboy may be its location. The city is located within one hour's drive of major metropolitan areas such as Chicago and St Louis. Combined with its excellent schools and strong economy, this makes it an attractive option for people looking to relocate or buy their first home.

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