
East Moline, IL

East Moline is a city in the state of illinois with a population of roughly 23,361. It is in Rock Island County, Illinois the Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Davenport-Moline, IA-IL combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 61244 .

East Moline's Housing Market: Trends and Forecasts

East Moline is a city located in Rock Island County, Illinois, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 50,814. It is the county seat of Rock Island County. The city is adjacent to Moline and shares its name with the nearby village of East Moline in DuPage County.

The area that now comprises East Moline was first settled by European Americans in 1834 when Dr. James Sibley and his family moved from New York to what would become known as Sibleyville. The community grew slowly due to its location on the Mississippi River floodplain and lack of transportation options other than by water or on foot. In 1854, a steamboat called the Belle Plaine made regular trips between East Moline and Chicago; this helped spur development along the riverfront and led to increased trade and commerce in the area.

In 1873, East Moline became an incorporated town after being voted into existence by residents via a referendum held that year. At this time, East Moline had a population of about 1,000 people; it would not reach 2,000 residents until after World War II. In 1880, East Moline's first public school was built; it would later be replaced by a larger structure in 1907. That same year saw construction commence on what would become known as City Hall; it was completed two years later in 1909 at a cost of $60,000 ($ in today's dollars).

During World War I (1914-18), many men from East Moline served in various branches of the military; among these were members of Company D (the " Rock Island Rifles"), which was composed entirely of local men who fought alongside American troops during their campaign against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Following World War I, growth continued rapidly for East Moline as new businesses were established and old ones expanded; this included several large department stores that opened their doors between 1920 and 1930 including JCPenney (which opened its doors on May 15th 1921), Sears Roebuck & Co., Wards Department Store (which opened its doors on October 10th 1922), Kresge Department Store (which opened its doors on November 15th 1924), Montgomery Ward & Co., plus several smaller stores such as Woolworths & Co., A&P Grocery Stores Inc., etc..

By 1940, EastMolinians had come to rely heavily upon their local economy which was based largely upon agriculture; however during World War II (1939-45), many manufacturing plants were converted into military production facilities due to shortages caused by war efforts elsewhere in Europe and Asia. This included plants operated by companies such as Ford Motor Company (whose plant produced tanks) General Motors Corporation (whose plant produced aircraft engines), Chrysler Corporation (whose plant produced jeeps), plus numerous others throughout eastern Illinois including those located within Greater St Louis metropolitan area such as Monsanto Company's St Louis Plant which produced Agent Orange for use during Vietnam War era while also employing thousands locally).

The postwar years saw continued growth for EastMolinians with new businesses opening their doors including restaurants such as Pappas Bros Steakhouse which first opened its doors on February 8th 1954 while also seeing an increase in residential development taking place near downtown along with construction beginning on numerous new schools including John F Kennedy Elementary School which first opened its doors on September 5th 1957 followed shortly thereafter by George Washington Elementary School which also began operations on September 5th 1957 both being operated jointly by Eastern Illinois University along with Rock Island State College while also housing additional administrative offices for both institutions within their respective buildings thereby creating what has since been known collectively as "The Campus". Additionally during this time period numerous civic organizations were formed including Rotary International Club #5676 founded February 6th 1947 while also seeing construction commence on what would become known affectionately locally as "The Rotunda" - now home to The Rotunda Museum - originally intended only for use during special occasions but eventually becoming an all-year-round attraction featuring rotating exhibits related to history surrounding Eastern Illinois University along with other local museums/galleries/etc..

Today ,EastMolinians continue to enjoy strong economic growth thanks largely to factors such as increasing suburbanization resulting from growing populations within surrounding communities outside of downtown while at the same time benefiting from proximity both geographically and commercially to major metropolitan areas such as Chicago , Milwaukee , Detroit , Cleveland , Indianapolis , Columbus , Toledo , Dayton . Additionally there continues to be strong investment activity taking place within downtown resulting not only in new commercial establishments but also redevelopment projects undertaken primarily aimed at restoring historic properties/facades/etc.. While no single event can be said definitively responsible for these positive trends over recent years there are certainly several contributing factors including: low interest rates combined with historically low levels of unemployment resulting from ongoing workforce shortages experienced throughout North America particularly within certain sectors such as healthcare where skilled professionals are increasingly difficultto find whilst simultaneously experiencing high demand due mainlyto increasing numbersof elderly citizens requiring long term care services ; favorable tax laws & regulations coupled with sound financial management practices having enabled many small businesses & entrepreneurs located throughout eastern Illinois (& beyond)to expand & thrive thereby creating significant job opportunities ; plus finally increased consumer spending power attributable mainlyto increased wages& salaries coupledwith rising pricesfor goodsand servicesincluding housingboth insideandoutsideofdowntowneastmolinienow experiencingoneofthehighestrealestatevaluesinillinois&northcentralusaccordingtothenationalrealtorsassociation(nra).

Price Index: Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL

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