
Henderson, IL

Henderson is a city in the state of illinois with a population of roughly 215. It is in Knox County, Illinois the Galesburg, IL core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 61439 .

Price Trends in Henderson, IL

Henderson, Illinois is a small town located in the Chicago metropolitan area. The population of Henderson was 10,812 as of the 2010 census. Henderson is home to many businesses and industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and real estate.

The real estate market in Henderson is very competitive. There are many homes for sale in the town, but most of them are sold quickly. The median price for a home in Henderson was $161,000 as of September 2016. The average list price for a home in Henderson was $183,500.

There are many different types of homes available for sale in Henderson. The majority of homes are single-family detached homes. However, there are also some duplexes and apartments available for purchase.

Henderson is located close to major highways and transportation hubs such as I-55 and I-294. This makes it easy for buyers to get around the town and access all of its amenities.

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