Rushville is a city in the state of illinois with a population of roughly 5,501. It is in Schuyler, Illinois Its Zip codes include 62681 .
Rushville is a small town located in central Illinois. The population was 10,812 as of the 2010 census. Rushville is home to several businesses and industries, including a hospital, a manufacturing plant, and a trucking company. The town's economy is based largely on agriculture and manufacturing.
Real estate in Rushville is primarily made up of single-family homes and apartments. The average price for a home in the town was $123,000 as of March 2012. The most common type of housing in Rushville is single-family homes. Approximately 78% of the housing stock in the town consists of single-family homes. There are also a number of apartment complexes in Rushville, but they make up only about 12% of the housing stock.
The majority of real estate activity in Rushville takes place during the summer months when people are looking to buy or sell homes. In March 2012, there were 1,531 active listings in the town compared to 1,848 active listings during December 2011. This indicates that there has been an increase in demand for real estate in Rushville over the past year or so.