Woodland is a city in the state of illinois with a population of roughly 211. It is in Iroquois, Illinois Its Zip codes include 60974 .
Woodland is a small town located in Mc Henry County, Illinois. The population of Woodland was 1,827 as of the 2010 census. Woodland is home to many businesses and attractions, including a movie theater, a grocery store, and several restaurants.
Real estate in Woodland is very affordable compared to other areas of the country. The median home price in Woodland was $128,000 as of September 2015. This makes it an ideal place to buy a home if you are looking for an affordable option. Additionally, there are many homes for sale in Woodland that are perfect for first-time buyers or families who want to live in a close-knit community.
One thing to note about real estate in Woodland is that it can be difficult to find properties that meet your specific needs. Many homes in Woodland were built decades ago and may not be up to date with modern standards. If you are looking for something specific, it may be best to consult with a real estate agent before making any purchases.