
Armstrong, IA

Armstrong is a city in the state of iowa with a population of roughly 1,384. It is in Emmet, Iowa Its Zip codes include 50514 .

Armstrong Home Prices Continue to Rise

Armstrong is a small town located in Pottawattamie County, Iowa. The population was 1,827 at the 2010 census. Armstrong is home to many businesses and homes that are used for residential purposes. The real estate market in Armstrong is very competitive because of its location and the quality of the homes that are available. Armstrong has a lot to offer potential homebuyers, including excellent schools, a variety of shopping options, and easy access to major highways.

The real estate market in Armstrong is very competitive because of its location and the quality of the homes that are available. Armstrong has a lot to offer potential homebuyers, including excellent schools, a variety of shopping options, and easy access to major highways.

There are many different types of housing available in Armstrong: single-family homes, townhomes/condos/apartments, duplexes/triplexes/quadruplexes, and rural properties. The average price for a single-family home in Armstrong was $128,000 as of September 2016; however prices can vary greatly depending on the location and condition of the property. Townhomes/condos/apartments averaged $130 per square foot as of September 2016; while rural properties averaged $119 per square foot. Duplexes/triplexes/quadruplexes averaged $147 per square foot as of September 2016; while rural properties averaged $129 per square foot.

The availability of land in Armstrong is one factor that affects the price for real estate in this town; another factor is how close houses are to each other (within city limits or not). The average distance between houses was 2 miles as of September 2016. There are also restrictions on how many houses can be built within city limits; this limit currently stands at 2200 units but it could change if demand increases significantly over time.

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