Parkersburg is a city in the state of iowa with a population of roughly 2,883. It is in Butler, Iowa Its Zip codes include 50665 .
When people think of real estate, they often think of large, luxurious homes in suburban areas. However, there is a lot to be said for the convenience and affordability of real estate in Parkersburg, Iowa.
Parkersburg is located in the northwest corner of Iowa and has a population of just over 10,000 people. The city is home to several small businesses and schools, but it is primarily known for its agricultural industry. However, since the city's population has been growing steadily over the past few years, there has been an increasing demand for residential property.
According to Zillow®, the median home value in Parkersburg was $101,200 as of September 2017. This makes it one of the more affordable cities in Iowa for homeownership opportunities. Additionally, because Parkerburg is not located near any major metropolitan areas or tourist destinations, it can be relatively affordable to live there without having to spend a fortune on rent or expenses related to commuting.
One important factor that affects real estate prices in Parkersburg is local demand and supply. Because the city is relatively small and hasn't seen much growth recently (in comparison to larger cities), there are limited options when it comes to housing stock. As a result, properties that are available tend to be snapped up quickly by buyers who are looking for an affordable place to call home. This means that if you're looking for property in Parkersburg, you'll need to act fast – especially during busy periods like holiday seasons – if you want your dream home!