
Sibley, IA

Sibley is a city in the state of iowa with a population of roughly 3,164. It is in Osceola, Iowa Its Zip codes include 51249 .

Trends in Home Prices in Sibley, IA

Real estate in Sibley, IA is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 2,000 people, the town is growing rapidly and there is already a lot of demand for homes. The median home price in Sibley is $137,500 and the average list price is $162,500. There are currently eight active real estate agents in town and they are all very busy.

The biggest reason why real estate in Sibley is so popular is because of its location. The town is only about an hour from Des Moines and two hours from Omaha. It's also close to several major highways which makes it easy to get around.

One downside to living in Sibley is that it's not very walkable. There are only about six blocks in the town that have any sidewalks and most of them are narrow. This can make it difficult to get around if you don't have a car.

Overall, real estate in Sibley seems to be doing well right now. The population growth has led to increased demand for homes and the median home price has gone up significantly over the past few years. There are currently eight active agents working in the town which indicates that there's plenty of interest out there for properties."

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