
Webster, IA

Webster is a city in the state of iowa with a population of roughly 257. It is in Keokuk, Iowa Its Zip codes include 52355 .

The Price of Home in Webster, IA

Webster, Iowa is a small town located in the northwest corner of the state. The population was 1,814 at the 2010 census. Webster is home to several businesses and industries, including a paper mill and a meatpacking plant. The town's economy has been largely based on agriculture for many years. However, with the growth of suburban areas outside of Webster, real estate has become an important part of the town's economy.

The Webster Real Estate market is characterized by modest prices and limited inventory. There are currently only two active real estate agents in town; however, this number is expected to grow as more people move to Webster in search of affordable housing. In addition to housing, Webster is also known for its small businesses and its proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Des Moines and Omaha. As a result, many people who live in Webster are also active in the real estate industry.

There are several factors that contribute to the low inventory and modest prices in the Webster Real Estate market:

1) The population growth rate has been relatively slow over recent years; 2) Many people who live in Webster commute to jobs outside of town; 3) There is limited new construction taking place in Webster due to zoning restrictions; 4) The average price per square foot for residential properties is much lower than other nearby towns such as Council Bluffs or North Liberty; 5) Many people who want to buy property in Webster are looking for properties that have already been converted into apartments or condos rather than traditional homes.

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